Reflection on Psalm 84
Verse 10 catches my attention today: "I'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God than dwell in the tents of the wicked."
It's helpful for me to play around with the language to imaginatively place myself in this ancient context. The temple is not equivalent to churches or church buildings. Judaism is not equivalent to Christianity. But the emotion, the desire, the pursuit of God and his shalom - that has universal appeal. The allure of the world's ephemeral pleasures and promises over the long-term perspective of choosing another kind of life available in Christ, that I can relate to.
I'd rather be a floor sweeper at God's house party than throw back cocktails with the rich and famous.
I'd rather pull carrots in God's garden than feast on filet mignon with powerful elites.
I'd rather take out the trash at God's community center than take it easy at the country club.
I'd rather kick it with the poor and uneducated than yuck it up with the intelligentsia.
I'd rather bus tables in God's café than dine with oppressors.
I'm sensitive to the fact that for many, their lives have been quite painfully marked as the underpaid doorkeeper, or the oppressed slave, or the unjustly treated worker. It is a good thing to long for freedom, for just pay, for equity. That, though, hasn't been my own story.
I'm aware of the appeal of 'escape' that can pull me away from the world, from those who don't know Jesus. Jesus says I am a sheep among the wolves, to live in the world but not of it. How do I dwell faithfully in the midst of the world's thorns and thistles while keeping my heart, body, mind, and soul attached to the Vine? Where am I susceptible to hide in the courts of God's people rather than courageously take the light of Jesus into the darkness of the world?
And, yet, I also know the appeal of ease, affluence, and pleasure. How often do I actually say, contra Psalm 84:
"I'd rather binge Netflix by myself than pray with friends."
"I'd rather take another vacation than find ways to bless the poor."
"I'd rather get a nice paycheck and benefits than work hard to budget my finances so that I can do something adventurous together with Jesus."
"I'd rather scroll through Instagram than call a friend who's hurting."
How does this psalm hit you today? What consolations and desolations does it surface for you? How is the spirit of God whispering to you?
I'll end with Eugene Peterson's version of this psalm from The Message: