What Jesus tells us about himself in one prayer
Jesus' "High priestly prayer" in the seventeenth chapter of John's gospel is an inexhaustible fount of wonder. It rarely ceases to amaze me. Today, as I listened to Jesus' prayer, I was struck by all the various ways Jesus' describes himself as he is talking with Abba Father. Here are a few ways to express Jesus' sense of self, his identity, that I see in this prayer. Jesus is our/the: Advocate-intercessor Father-glory-bringer-on-earth Work-finisher Glory-sharer-with-God-from-before-creation God-revealer Receiver-of-God’s-children Word-giver “All”-keeper Protector-guardian-safekeeper Joy-giver Not-of-the-world-one Sender Father-knower Desirer-of-being-with-us